Society Holds Annual Meeting for 2024

The Garnavillo Historical Society held its annual meeting and appreciation supper November 14th at the Garnavillo Community Center. The meal was served to 17 members and 6 guests by member LuAnn Kahle, Director Jon McElderry and Director Carol DeSotel.  Following the meal a slide presentation titled “A Walk Down Main Street Garnavillo” was presented by David Beck.  Beck gave some background and history of the buildings and businesses that once lined Main Street but no longer do (such as the Turner Hall and J.H. Tangeman Building) as well as buildings that have stood the test of time and are still standing (such as the current Corner Shoppe, Law Office and Vaughn’s Bar).  The Garnavillo Historical Society continues to be on the lookout for old photos of Garnavillo buildings and businesses.  (contact the Society if you have some you would like to donate).  After the presentation, the door prize drawing, a Garnavillo Mini Mart gift card was won by Jean Brandt.

The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President David Beck.  Secretary/Treasurer Jane Thein presented the year-to-date financial report and 2025 proposed operating budget which was approved by the membership.  Jane Thein and Carol DeSotel were re-elected to the Board of Directors.  Directors Ky Clefisch, Jon McElderry and David Beck shared accomplishments for the year, visitor and volunteer numbers and projects proposed for 2025.  During 2024, the brick museum’s roof was painted, windows caulked, new sign placed on the building’s exterior and a security light installed.  The Lodge Hall’s fluorescent lights were converted to LED, the back door repair was completed at the Log Cabin, and at the law office landscaping was done in the back to improve drainage.  Inside the brick museum, a number of exhibits were enhanced and a World War II exhibit was added.  In addition, in cooperation with the Garnavillo Public Library, genealogy workshops were held in July and October and continue to be planned for 2025.  Director Ron Kaiser closed the meeting with expressions of gratitude for the support shown by the members and community.  The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.
For more information on becoming a member or volunteer for the Garnavillo Historical Society,  email, message on facebook, or call 563-880-5078.  Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month.  The next meeting is planned for Thursday, January 9th, 5 pm at the Garnavillo Public Library.
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