St Joseph Parish Hall was the site of the Garnavillo Historical Society annual corporation meeting and appreciation supper held November 11. A light supper of sandwiches, chips and dessert was served to eighteen members and seven guests.
Following the meal, Board member, David Beck presented a brief program on digitizing glass negatives from the past. David explained the process he used on over 700 glass negatives in the Garnavillo Museum’s archives to save and create viewable or printable images using today’s technology,. Original owners of the images were Charles Lantzky, Charles Roggman, A.J. Kregel, A. Pufahl, A.D. Roggman and Realto Schumacher. David shared some of the images and gave a brief history of the content and photographer.
During the Business meeting, President Lanny Kuehl highlighted some of the 2021 accomplishments: expansion of the Althea Sherman paintings exhibit, expansion of the photography exhibit, new exhibits in the museum basement, digitizing the archived glass negatives, and addition of an A/C unit to the balcony exhibit area. Plans are to complete restoration of the museum bell platform and tuckpointing of the Crosby Main Street law office before the end of the year. Members approved revisions to the organization’s by-laws and approved the operating budget for 2022. Plans for 2022 projects were also shared.
The Board of Directors for 2022 will remain the same, Lanny Kuehl, Carol DeSotel, Jane Thein, June Wolter, Ron Kaiser, David Beck and Ky Clefisch, as Carol DeSotel and Jane Thein were re-elected as Directors.
The evening concluded with the drawing of the door prize, a $20 gift certificate to the Corner Shoppe won by Dick Owings.