2023 Season Wrap Up for Historical Society

Miss Louise Liers aka Donna Anderson

Members and volunteers of the Garnavillo Historical Society wrapped up their 2023 season with their annual appreciation supper and corporate meeting held, Thursday, November 9, 2023 at the Garnavillo Community Center. Nineteen members and four guests enjoyed the light meal of sandwiches, potatoes and assorted desserts served by the Board and member volunteers.  Following the meal, the late Louise Liers, nurse, of Clayton, Iowa, paid the group a visit.  Miss Liers, portrayed by Donna Anderson of Elkader, shared photos and personal experiences, giving the group a brief peek into the  early years of her life in Chicago, her years overseas during World War I, and her later years spent caring for parents and patients, nursing in Clayton County.  Some people in attendance, or their siblings, had been the recipients of Miss Liers’ services as an obstetric nurse in their home or hospital.

Following the presentation, the annual corporate meeting was called to order by President David Beck with 20 members and 3 guests attending. Minutes of the November 2022 meeting were approved.  2023 financial reports and 2024 budget were presented by secretary/treasurer Jane Thein and approved.  Board members Ky Clefisch and David Beck highlighted projects and exhibits completed
President Beck leading meeting.

in 2023 and other information included in the Historical Society Board’s annual report. Clefisch also reported that visitor counts were up from the previous year.  Member Bill Robinson shared information on the cans and bottles redemption program and improvements to the sorting site.  (The Historical Society shares these proceeds with the Garnavillo Boosters and Lions Club.)  Society plans posed for 2024 were highlighted by board members June Wolter and David Beck.  Election of board members for 2 terms expiring at the end of 2023 was held.  Ky Clefisch was re-elected and Jon McElderry was elected to the seat that will be vacated by June Wolter.  President Beck thanked June Wolter for her service as a board member.  The Board of Directors for 2024 will be David

2024 Board: Jon McElderry, Carol DeSotel, Ron Kaiser, Jane Thein, David Beck, Ky Clefisch. Not pictured Lanny Kuehl

Beck, Carol DeSotel, Jane Thein, Ron Kaiser, Lanny Kuehl, Ky Clefisch, and Jon McElderry.  The evening’s door prize, a gift certificate to Thoma Dairy Bar was won by Hank Werger. Board member Ron Kaiser expressed thanks to those attending, serving, and to the City for the use of the community center. The annual meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. In addition to the 2023 board members (David Beck, Carol DeSotel, Jane Thein, Lanny Kuehl, Ron Kaiser, June Wolter and Ky Clefisch), attending were:Bob Bente, Myrna Schmelzer, Mary Reimer, Rozelle Howard, Margaret Jones, LuAnn Kahle, Jon McElderry, Georgi Kaiser, Diana Kirby, Linda Kuehl, Cathy McLane, Bill Robinson, Frances Schultz, Myron Behrend, Hank Werger and Bonnie Tuecke.

Membership renewals and new memberships for 2024 are being accepted.  The annual membership fee is $5.00 for adults and $1.00 for students. New members and volunteers are always welcome!  Calendars for 2024 and calendars for some previous years are also available.  The next regular meeting for Garnavillo Historical Society members and interested persons will be held, Thursday, January 11, 2024 at the Garnavillo Library.  Check out the society’s website: www.garnavillohistoricalsociety.org, email garnavillohistoricalsociety@gmail.com or call 563-880-5078 for more information. Let’s all work together to keep Garnavillo, and its surrounding areas, history alive!
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