The Garnavillo Historical Society has been busy getting ready for the 2023 visitor season. The Museum kitchen saw some plastering and painting work carried out by volunteers Darryl Keehner, Ron Kaiser and Jane Thein. A new bright red museum front door was installed by “House to Home Remodeling.” It was painted courtesy of Top Gun Customs and purchased with help from an Upper Mississippi Gaming grant. The door project is partly finished. Its installation has necessitated emptying the entry cabinets, and so, Garnavillo business premiums and souvenirs are presently in storage (we apologize for that inconvenience). Within the museum “new” items have been added to different exhibits, new exhibits created, and others are in the design stage. There is new information on the history of Garnavillo and National. There are some “glowing” items in the glass room. (Ask a greeter to help you find them.) We hope to add additional historical items to the various museum collections throughout the summer, so you may want to visit more than once to see what’s changed. (Its free!) Visitors will also be able to get a better view of historic Garnavillo buildings through the photo enlargements now displayed on the balcony wall. Seamstresses can check out the new addition to the collection of early sewing machines, Doug & Kathy Reimer donated a 1910 cabinet model “New Home” machine.
Work continues on the log cabin this summer. Workers are doing some interior chinking work and will be working to preserve or replace one of the logs. The Lodge Hall is now sporting a new roof with new shingles laid by Allen Roofing. It has been a busy spring! New members and helpers are always welcome. Contact the Historical Society via email for more information.
The Garnavillo Historical Society also participated in Great Give Day May 18th, sponsored by the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque. Over $4,000 was raised for the Historical Society’s projects and endowment fund. The Society appreciates the support of the donors, the Foundation and many other sponsors of the event.
Schedule a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to visit the Garnavillo Museum at 203 N Washington Street. You are sure to find something of interest! Hours are 1:00-4:00PM Saturday and Sunday, June through September. Visits can be scheduled by appointment as well, call the number on the website.