Twenty members and ten guests gathered November 13th at the Thoma Dairy Bar & Café, Garnavillo, for the Garnavillo Historical Society’s annual appreciation supper and corporate meeting. A delicious soup and sandwich supper was enjoyed by all. Society board member David Beck gave an interesting slide & video presentation on the 1902 Crestmobile, first “car” in Clayton County, now on display at the Garnavillo
During the business meeting, convened by President Lanny Kuehl, highlights and accomplishments of the past year were shared and appreciation extended to all who helped make it a banner year. Business conducted during the meeting included review of year-to-date financial reports, approval of the 2019 operating budget, presentation of project priorities and election of the Board for 2019. Thanks were expressed to Lola Meyer for her service on the Board in 2018. Board Members for 2019 are: President Lanny Kuehl, Vice-President Carol De-Sotel, Secretary/Treasurer Jane Thein, Directors David Beck, Cheryl Wirkler, Ron Kaiser and Ky Clefisch. Fund raising efforts for 2019 will focus on maintenance work needed at the Log Cabin, repair to the museum bell tower, window frames and sills, interior work to ready the lodge hall for public tours and re-vamping displays to increase exhibit space. The business meeting wrapped up at 6:35 pm with a door prize drawing won by Melissa Oleson.